Ko te kaupapa - Our why
At Tuu Oho Mai Services, we understand that violent and controlling behaviour transgresses whakapapa (kindred connections) and violates tapu (sacredness) and mana (personal sovereignty). Deliberate, harmful behaviours and actions violate our toiora (wellbeing) and create ripples of distress that impact whaanau and communities.
Our commitment to addressing these issues stems from a deep understanding of the importance of toiora (wellbeing) in all aspects of life. We believe that every person deserves to thrive in an environment free from violence and fear. Deliberate and harmful actions compromise the toiora of other people, including those we love.
We strive to create a culture of accountability, respect, and healing, where everyone has the opportunity to understand the impact of their actions. By promoting healthy relationships and fostering an inclusive environment, we aim to support people to restore their mana and reconnect with their whakapapa. Everyone has the right to live violence free.
Ko te wawata - Our vision
Our vision is having resilient whaanau, and our purpose is to develop loving whaanau so that they thrive.

Tupu Te Toi
Waahine and tamariki are resilient

Ora Te Toi
Whaanau are vibrant and thriving

Whanake Te Toi
Our parents are caring and loving
Brad Totorewa gifted Tuu Oho Mai Services Kiingi Taawhiao’s tongikura Te Taahuhu te toi I ahu mai I Hawaiiki to communicate this aspiration. These guiding principles shape the culture and decision-making at Tuu Oho Mai Services, and the kaupapa is anchored in whakapapa.
Whaainga tahi
Our initiatives and actions support the restoration and preservation of mana.
Whaainga rua
We will invest in our communities & ensure whaanau are at the heart of our action.
Whaainga toru
We will continue to challenge violence and provide growth opportunities and skills to grow loving parents.
Ko te whanonga pono - Our values

Celebrating the mana of Waikato Tainui while welcoming diversity
Ko te atua too taatou piringa ka puta ka ora!
Mookau ki runga, Taamaki ki raro Mangatoatoa ki waenganui. With Mookau located above and Taamaki located below in the centre stands Mangatoatoa.
Pare Hauraki, pare Waikato Te Kaokaoroa o Patetere. To the east is pare Hauraki and to the west Pare Waikato, both connected by the kaimai and mamaku ranges.
We acknowledge Te Arikinui Kuiini Nga wai hono i te po Pootatau Te Wherowhero te VIII, and the significance of the Kiingitanga and unique guardianship of this taonga, the people and awa tuupuna.
Pai marire!

Collective guardianship of our whaanau
Whaanau toiora is essential for living free from violence. It is vital that whaanau feel safe, and we are dedicated to providing waananga where people are supported to take responsibility for their behaviours and build accountability for making positive change.
Our kaimahi support people to understand their experiences and equip them with the tools and planning necessary to keep themselves and their whaanau safe as they work towards a violence-free lifestyle.
Sometimes, healing is a lifelong journey. We are all guardians and custodians of whakapapa, and everyone has the right to live free from violence.

Collective action for the restoration and preservation of mana
We collaborate closely with mana whenua, kaupapa Maaori, and community organisations to deliver waananga and services that support people and communities to live free from violence.
Involving others in your journey is crucial to ensure you are not isolated and have access to the information, planning, education, and tools necessary for accountability and safety.
People can better restore and preserve their mana when they include others in their toiora goals and aspirations.