Te Toi i ahu mai i Hawaiiki

Te Puutake

Develop loving whaanau so that they thrive.

Te Whakakitenga

Building resilient whaanau.

Tupu te toi

Waahine & tamariki are resilient.

ora te toi

Whaanau are vibrant & thriving.

whanake te toi

Our parents are caring & loving.

Whaainga 1

Our initiatives & actions support the restoration & preservation of mana.

Whaainga 2

We will invest in our communities & ensure whaanau are at the heart of our action.

Whaainga 3

We will continue to challenge violence & provide growth opportunities & skills to grow loving parents.

Celebrating the mana of Waikato Tainui whilst welcoming diversity & inclusivity.

Collective guardianship of our whaanau.

Collective action for the restoration & preservation of mana.

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