
MENS programMEs

Mens Programmes

We can help you

These programmes are designed for men who have been involved in domestic violence.

Groups are co-gender facilitated and open ended, which means that men join and complete the programme at different times. You will need to be inducted into the group prior to starting.


The programme aims to explore the issues to allow abusive practices to happen, and give participants a better understanding around the patterns of behaviour that create situations of risk and harm to others and family.

By examining beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that support violence, we help you to understand the triggers for violence, as change starts with awareness.

If you’re not mandated to attend the programme, you can self-refer yourself onto the programme. Complete a Self Referral Form, or come in person to sign up for the programme.

If you would like to refer someone, you can either fill out the Referral Form or Contact Us.

What can you gain from our programmes?

Programme Objectives

Our programmes challenge men to recognise their violent and controlling behaviour, exploring the effects of violence on women and children, and making changes towards non-violent and non-controlling behaviour. Please visit our Resources section for information on some of the tools we use in our training sessions.

From July 2018 to June 2019, we helped 2038 men.
We would love to help you too.